Across the years, we have pioneered videos and audios in 15 languages — featuring nurses and midwives, as well as sharing multi-media to remember Nightingale's insights, work and life.
Here below are our favorites for you to enjoy...
To vividly remember Florence Nightingale’s timeless ideas and relevance — we offer this music video of profound insights, vivid graphics and evocative music. The celebrated images have been gathered from International Photoshare and related sources, with inspired music from ‘Scheherazade’ whose melodies sing her passionate
and courageous voice for human rights, well-being, and for life itself. For detailed image and music credits, click here >>>
Broadcast to a worldwide audience by the Scientific & Medical Network >>> based in London, UK — and featuring NIGH's International CoDirectors Drs. Barbara M. Dossey >>> and Deva-Marie Beck>>> who hosted this informative webinar to discuss our commitments to Nightingale's legacy.
Launched around the world — at noon on May 12, 2020 — Florence Nightingale's 200th Birthday — NIGH co-sponsored a Virtual Worldwide Meditation >>> to demonstrate ‘Global Coherence’ between nurses celebrating WHO’s 2020 Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. By honoring the heart of humanity and the caregiver in all of us, this Meditation seeks to inspire everyone — and especially all of those who have dedicated their lives to caring for us in this time of worldwide need. Here below are our many co-sponsored audio language versions.
This project began online — as "e-Postcards to You from Florence Nightingale" — during the 2010 Nightingale Centennial — then created as a music video to highlight Nightingale's wide appeal with Nurses and Midwives across the entire Muslim world >>>
Co-Produced by NIGH and the World Health Organization, this musci video was premiered at the 2014 WHO Global Forum of Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers in Geneva, Switzerland >>>
Created during the New York City Global Launch of NIGH's Daring, Caring & Sharing to Save Mothers' Lives Campaign >>>
Music video created to celebrate International Nurses Week in 2013 — the first of NIGH's calls for Stories from Nurses & Midwives >>>
The original English version music video Premiered in China in 2008 >>>
Music video with French sub-titles co-Produced with Marie Villemin, WHO's Archivist >>>
Music video with Spanish subtitles co-Produced with Dr. Silvina Malvárez, Regional Nurse Advisor for the Pan American Health Organization — the Western Hemisphere Office of WHO from 2002 to 2013 >>>
Music video with Portuguese subtitles co-Produced with Dr. Isabel Amelia Costa Mendes, Secretary General of Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery Development, from 2007 to 2014 >>>
Music video with Arabic subtitles co-Produced with Madame Da'ad Shokeh, of the Jordanian Nursing Council >>>
Music video with Mandarin subtitles co-Produced with Dr. Amy Zang, Professor of Nursing at Shandong University School of Nursing in Jinan, China >>>
Music video with Russian subtitles co-Produced with Dr. Elena Frolova, a Nursing Educator in St Petersburg >>>
Music video with Turkish subtitles co-Produced in collaboration with Elif Bilgic (Translator) and with Dr. Zeliha Tufek — a Professor at the Florence Nightingale College of Nursing at Istanbul University >>>