International Co-Director
Deva-Marie Beck is a Canadian / American nurse, author, educator, and award-winning Florence Nightingale scholar who serves as a volunteer International Co-Director of the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH). She has recently been recognized as an Honorary Scholar of the Global Academy of Holistic Nursing (HSGAHN) for her leadership to promote and sustain global health care transformation and advocacy to achieve the United Nations SDGs
Currently, Dr. Beck is developing an updated approach to NIGH’s mandate — engaging nurses, student nurses, retirees and concerned citizens to share their voices out across the global public space with their care, commitments, and concerns for a better world. Building on this, Dr. Beck has recently collaborated with a growing worldwide team of nursing leaders participating |
with the United Nations Institute for Training & Research (UNITAR) and UNITAR's CIFAL York Centre at York University in Toronto for the virtual broadcast of NIGH's Nurses Voices Speaker Series. To prepare for this project, she has been a decade-long member of Toastmasters International (TI) Through this participation, she has achieved her ‘Distinguished Toast Master’ (DTM)—TI’s highest-level award by accomplishing 40 required public presentations and by serving—as importantly in an equal amount of time — through related leadership activities to educate and empower the personal and professional growth of her peers. She now aims to use this ‘credential’ to encourage and engage nurses to share their stories and voices at community, national and global levels.
Her recent article (2021) — 'Creating the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health: Theoretical Reflections to Follow in Florence Nightingale's Footsteps' — has been published in Open Access in English, Portuguese and Spanish for the trilingual open-source nursing journal Revista Latino-Americana Emfermagen.
Her recent article (2021) — 'Creating the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health: Theoretical Reflections to Follow in Florence Nightingale's Footsteps' — has been published in Open Access in English, Portuguese and Spanish for the trilingual open-source nursing journal Revista Latino-Americana Emfermagen.
•• Also see Why Nightingale? Why Now? Parts 1 & 2 and Part 4 ••
During the 2020 WHO Year of the Nurse & Midwife, Dr. Beck contributed with three video productions - In Florence Nightingale's Own Words - Introducing the Nightingale Declaration and La declaration Nightingale pour un monde en santé – both of these as the 2020 renewal of the Nightingale Declaration for A Healthy World, now in fourteen language versions.
Across two decades, Dr. Beck has led NIGH’s development and work on UN briefings, group discussions, website updates — feature articles, photojournalism, and multi-media — campaigns, journal articles, book chapters, books, and keynote presentations — worldwide — and to achieve NIGH’s ‘Special Consultative Status’, granted by the United Nations Economic & Social Council (UN ECOSOC) in 2018.
She has also developed a number of music videos, including, with the World Health Organization, Nurses & Midwives: Now More Than Ever (in eight language versions) and At The Heart of It All: Nurses & Midwives for Universal Health Coverage. As well, she created NIGH's Daring to Tell Our Stories to the World and collaborated to produce Daring, Caring & Sharing to Save Mothers' Lives. She has also authored and co-authored numerous featured publications — peer reviewed journal articles, and book chapters.
She has also developed a number of music videos, including, with the World Health Organization, Nurses & Midwives: Now More Than Ever (in eight language versions) and At The Heart of It All: Nurses & Midwives for Universal Health Coverage. As well, she created NIGH's Daring to Tell Our Stories to the World and collaborated to produce Daring, Caring & Sharing to Save Mothers' Lives. She has also authored and co-authored numerous featured publications — peer reviewed journal articles, and book chapters.
In collaboration with the Congress of NGO's in Consultative Status with the UN (CoNGO), Dr. Beck has contributed two UN Civil Society Development Forum panel presentations to prepare for UN ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Reviews for Global Health in Geneva (2009) and for Gender Equality, Empowerment of Women and Development Cooperation in New York City (2010).
Her multi-disciplinary education in arts and science both shaped her commitment to become a nurse specializing in clinical critical care and women's health (1976 - 2002) and global health and global civil society (1992 - present). Dr. Beck holds a PhD in Interdisciplinary Nursing and International Development from the Union Institute (2002) for her groundbreaking research to articulate Florence Nightingale’s relevance to today’s international health, development, education and media.
In 2019, Dr. Beck returned to Canada's National Capital Region—after residing in the Manitoba prairie towns of Neepawa and Kelwood for seven years. While in Manitoba, she expanded her understanding of grassroots views and local-to-global outreach through membership in Rotary International and International Inner Wheel, where she also served as District Chair.
Dr. Beck's primary goal is to continue to engage and empower nurses, midwives and concerned citizens to be public advocates for the most pressing health and development needs of our time — at grassroots-to-global levels.
Her multi-disciplinary education in arts and science both shaped her commitment to become a nurse specializing in clinical critical care and women's health (1976 - 2002) and global health and global civil society (1992 - present). Dr. Beck holds a PhD in Interdisciplinary Nursing and International Development from the Union Institute (2002) for her groundbreaking research to articulate Florence Nightingale’s relevance to today’s international health, development, education and media.
In 2019, Dr. Beck returned to Canada's National Capital Region—after residing in the Manitoba prairie towns of Neepawa and Kelwood for seven years. While in Manitoba, she expanded her understanding of grassroots views and local-to-global outreach through membership in Rotary International and International Inner Wheel, where she also served as District Chair.
Dr. Beck's primary goal is to continue to engage and empower nurses, midwives and concerned citizens to be public advocates for the most pressing health and development needs of our time — at grassroots-to-global levels.
Selected Publications
• Beck, D.M. & Dossey, B.M. (2024). Remembering Nightingale in Her Turbulent Times: Introducing the Theory of Integral Nursing in Our Turbulent Times. International Nursing Review DOI: 10.1111/inr.13064
• Beck, D. M. (2021). Creating the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health: Theoretical reflections to follow in Florence
Nightingale's footsteps.Revista Americana-Latino de Emfermagem (in press in English, Portuguese and Spanish).
• Beck, D. M., Dossey, B. M. & Rosa, W. E. (2019). Global Holistic Nursing: Our 'North Star' Now and for Generations to Come.
In Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice (8th Edition) (pp. 621-634.
•. Beck, D. M., Dossey, B. M., & Rushton, C. H. (2019). Global Activism, Advocacy, and Transformation: Florence Nightingale’s
Legacy for the Twenty-first Century. In Kreitzer, M. J., & Koithan, M. (Eds). Integrative Nursing Second Edition. (pp. 678-688). New York: Oxford University Press.
• Beck, D. M. (2021). Creating the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health: Theoretical reflections to follow in Florence
Nightingale's footsteps.Revista Americana-Latino de Emfermagem (in press in English, Portuguese and Spanish).
• Beck, D. M., Dossey, B. M. & Rosa, W. E. (2019). Global Holistic Nursing: Our 'North Star' Now and for Generations to Come.
In Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice (8th Edition) (pp. 621-634.
•. Beck, D. M., Dossey, B. M., & Rushton, C. H. (2019). Global Activism, Advocacy, and Transformation: Florence Nightingale’s
Legacy for the Twenty-first Century. In Kreitzer, M. J., & Koithan, M. (Eds). Integrative Nursing Second Edition. (pp. 678-688). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Dossey, B. M. & Beck, D. M. (2019). In Florence Nightingale’s Footsteps: Global Citizens as Environmental and Civil Society Activists: The UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Paradigm Explorer, 31 (3,): 11-15.
- Beck, D. M. & Dossey, B. M. (2019). In Nightingale's Footsteps—Individual to Global: From Nurse Coaches to Environmental and Civil Society Activists. Creative Nursing: A Journal of Values, Issues, Experience and Collaboration, Volume, 25 (3): 1-6.
- Dossey, B. M., Rosa, W. E. & Beck, D. M. (2019). Nursing and The Sustainable Development Goals: From Nightingale to Now. American Journal of Nursing, 119(5): 40-45.
- Beck, D. M., Dossey, B. M., & Rosa, W. E. (2018). Florence Nightingale and The 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. Beginnings, 18 (2): 18-23.
- Beck, D. M. (2017). A Brief History of The United Nations and Nursing: A Healthy World Is Our Common Future. In Rosa, W. (Ed). A New Era in Global Health and The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (pp. 57-83). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Dossey, B. M. , Beck, D. M., Oerther, S., & Manjrekar, P. (2017). Florence Nightingale’s Legacy: Rationale for An Integral Worldview in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In Rosa, W. (Ed). A New Era in Global Health and The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (pp. 149-178). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Beck, D. M. (2016). Artistic and Scientific: Broadening the Scope of Our 21st Century Health Advocacy. In Rosa, W. (Ed). Nurses As Leaders: Evolutionary Visions of Leadership (pp. 247-263) New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Beck, D. M., (2013). Empowering Women and Girls — Empowering Nurses: A Narrative to Discover Florence Nightingale’s Global Citizenship Legacy. In Mijares, S. G., Rafea, A. & Angha, N., (Eds). A Force Such as the World Has Never Known: Women Creating Change (pp. 40-52). Toronto, ON: Innana Publications.
- Beck, D. M., Dossey, B. M., & Rushton, C. H. (2013). Building the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health — NIGH: Can We Engage and Empower the Public Voices of Nurses Worldwide? Nursing Science Quarterly, 26 (10): 366-371.
- Beck, D. M., Dossey, B. M., & Rushton C. H. (2013). Global Activism, Advocacy, and Transformation: Florence Nightingale’s Legacy for the Twenty-first Century. In Kreitzer, M. J., & Koithan, M. (Eds). Integrative Nursing (pp. 526-537). New York: Oxford Press.
- Beck, D. M. & Dossey, B. M. (2013). Grassroots-to-Global Champions for Maternal Health. Beginnings, 33 (5): 18-19.
- Beck, D. M., Dossey, B. M., & Rushton, C. (2011). Integral Nursing and the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health: Florence Nightingale’s Integral Legacy for The 21st Century. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6 (4): 71-92.
- Beck, D. M. (2010). Remembering Florence Nightingale’s Panorama: 21st century Nursing — At A Critical Crossroads. Journal of Holistic Nursing Practice, 28 (4): 291-301.
- Beck, D. M. (2010). The Greatest Health Divide in the World — Half Million Die in Childbirth Annually. Beginnings, 30 (1): 10-11.
- Beck, D. M. (2006). Nightingale’s Passion for Advocacy: Local to Global. In Andrist, L. C., Nichols, P. K. & Wolf, K. (Eds). A History of Nursing Ideas (pp. 473-485). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Dossey, B.M., Selanders, L., Beck, D.M. & Attewell, A. (2005). Florence Nightingale Today: Healing, Leadership, Global Action. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association
Above video recorded in 2019 at 'Deerhaven Lodge' near Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba, Canada, from NIGH's archives.