Since our original dreams in the 1990s — and across the years since NIGH was established — our teams have sought to remember the Flame of Florence Nightingale's Legacy >>> and keep it renewed with innovative ways to engage nurses and concerned citizens.
Here is our most recent article describing NIGH's History — across two decades — since our Co-Founders first met to envision this initiative.
2023-2024 — Nurses’ Voices Speaker Series
in 8 Powerful Sessions Featuring Nursing Leaders from across the World!
in 8 Powerful Sessions Featuring Nursing Leaders from across the World!
Co-Hosted by NIGH and the United Nations Institute for Training & Research (UNITAR) and UNITAR's CIFAL York training centre at York University in Toronto, Canada. As these are broadcast, each Session is recorded and posted for everyone to watch & enjoy.
Session One
Nurses’ Voices Grassroots-to-Global Broadcast on October 23, 2023 United Nations Day |
Session Two
Nurses’ Voices from the Western Hemisphere Broadcast on November 28, 2023 |
Session Three
Nurses’ Voices from Africa Broadcast on January 9, 2024 |
Session Four
Nurses’ Voices from the Western Pacific Broadcast on February 13, 2024 |
Session Five
Nurses' Voices from Southeast Asia Broadcast on March 12, 2024 |
Session Six
Nurses' Voices from Europe Broadcast on May 7, 2024 |
Session Seven
Nurses' Voices into the Future Broadcast on June 11, 2024 — Featuring Speakers from the World Health Organization (WHO) & the six WHO Regions |
Session Eight Nurses' Voices from the Middle East Broadcast date to be determined |
Our last Session has been delayed due to the current intense conflict in this region. We are currently collaborating with two Middle Eastern Nursing Leaders — Dr. Naeema Al-Gasseer from Bahrain and Dr. Rowaida Al-Maaitah from Jordan. Both are strong and exemplary nursing leaders who will be broadcasting this Session with our collaboration and the collaboration of UNITAR and UNITAR's CIFAL York Centre at York University in Toronto, Canada.
Beginning in October of 2023 and to be broadcast through 2024, this Series is featuring leading nurses in NIGH's networks — from all six World Health Organization (WHO) Regions -- AFRO, EMRO, EURO, PAHO/AMRO, SEARO and WPRO — to share their stories of courage, concern, compassion, and commitment to humanity’s health. To learn more about each of this Series' eight Sessions, click here >>>
2023 — Virtual Launch of NIGH’s ‘Nurses’ Voices Grassroots to Global Campaign
The Virtual Launch >>> of our ‘Nurses’ Voices’ Campaign was broadcast from Switzerland, on July 21, 2023, from the 2023 Caux Forum 'Healing the Wounds of the Past' where 33 participants—including student nurses—joined from 12 nations and 5 WHO Regions. This Virtual Launch >>> webpage features an introductory message from the World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Nursing Officer Dr. Amelia Tuipulotu. This image and her bio are featured with appreciation to the 2023 Virtual International Day of the Midwife.
2021-2022 — NIGH’s Focus on Sharing United Nations SDG Stories
While the COVID pandemic has ravaged humanity for more than two years — nurses and others continue to struggle on the demanding frontlines of this global crisis. Nurses are appreciated for this service, but their public voices are rarely heard. Hence, we welcome Story Submissions >>> by nurses and concerned citizens — to share how UN SDG #3 ‘Good Health & Well-Being’ is being achieved, locally, nationally and globally. We also welcome advocacy for achieving all the UN SDGs >>> and for promoting the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples >>> Nursing students and other students from related disciplines — at all levels — are encouraged to submit!!!
2021 — Honoring the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples >>> is the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of indigenous peoples — establishing a universal framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of the indigenous peoples of the world. We are promoting this significant UN Declaration — in specific response to the Canadian Truth & Reconciliation >>> and Calls to Action >>>
2021 — NIGH’s History Shared in Three Languages
A 2021 article — from a top nursing journal in South America — Revista Latino-Americana Emphermagen — shares NIGH's history in English, Spanish & Portuguese — Creating the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health: Theoretical Reflections to Follow in Florence Nightingale's Footsteps >>>. To see the background story, click here >>>
2020 — Launch of the Nightingale Declaration in All Six United Nations Languages +++
To extend our global out-reach, we are providing ways to feature many language versions of the Nightingale Declaration for a Healthy World >>>
2020 — WHO’s International Year of the Nurse & the Midwife
Despite pandemic restrictions, our NIGH teams celebrated WHO's International Year of the Nurse in many ways >>> We also collaborated with the Institute of Noetic Sciences >>> HeartMath >>> and the Watson Caring Science Institute >>> to share a worldwide multi-language Meditation >>> on May 12, 2020, Nightingale's 200th Birthday and posted to appreciate other 2020 Celebrations >>> NIGH's Dr. Barbara Dossey & Dr. Deva-Marie Beck also presented a major webinar on the left.
2019-2020 — ‘In Florence Nightingale's Own Words’
To vividly remember the 2020 Bicentenary of Florence Nightingale’s birth and appreciate her timeless relevance — we created this brief film of profound insights, vivid graphics and evocative music. The celebrated images have been gathered from International Photoshare >>> and related sources, with inspired music from ‘Scheherazade’ whose melodies sing a passionate and courageous voice for human rights, well-being and for life itself.
2018 — Granted UN Economic & Social Council ‘Special Consultative Status’
On July 26, 2018, we were granted 'Special Consultative Status' with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) >>> Representing the grassroots-to-global movement of the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health, our Canadian NGO — 'NIGH World' — received this leading UN NGO 'Status' after more than a decade of work within the arenas of UN organizations and agencies. This ‘Special Consultative’ relationship is the key way UN ECOSOC receives input from NGOs for deliberations at official public meetings — as well as in UN international conferences and related preparatory meetings.
2017 — Celebrating at the UN Commission for the Status of Women
With the International Council of Nurses >>> NIGH actively co-sponsored several events at the 2017 UN Commission on the Status of Women (UN CSW). ICN's Dr. Judith Shamian keynoted at our morning session >>> In the evening, we co-hosted a Gala Reception where many global and regional nursing leaders were honored >>> In addition, we took the time to do appreciative video interviews with people serving as NIGH's United Nations Representatives and friends >>>
2015 — Presenting in the Former Soviet Union
Representing NIGH, Dr. Deva-Marie Beck was honored to be invited — by the Yerevan State Armenian-American Medical College Erebouni — to share two keynote presentations for the 3rd International Nursing Congress of Armenia convened in two capital cities of the former Soviet Union — Yerevan in Armenia and Stepanekerk in Nagorno Karabakh. To review this story and enjoy lovely scenery — see our related slideshow >>>
2014-2015 — NIGH's UN Representatives Participate in Global Briefings
Across these years, NIGH established a working team of volunteers — based at UN Headquarters in New York City — to officially work with NIGH as UN DPI NGO Youth Representatives >>> In 2014, they hosted an official Panel Presentation at a United Nations International NGO Conference convened at the New York UN Headquarters. This Panel focused on sharing NIGH's Global Briefing >>> called 'The World Nurses Want' for nurses and others, worldwide, to actively participate in the UN 'Post-2015 Agenda' to determine the UN's new 'Sustainable Development Goals' for 2015 through 2030. See and learn more here >>>
2014 — ‘At the Heart of It All' — Collaborating with the World Health Organization
"At the Heart of It All: Nurses & Midwives for Universal Health Coverage" — was premiered at the 2014 World Health Organization WHO Global Forum of Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers in Geneva, Switzerland. It celebrates how and why access to quality health care is achieved through the contributions of nurses and midwives, worldwide. The music video highlights HD photos and a compelling music track featuring our human heartbeat. See the full story here >>>
2012 to 2020 — With the Commonwealth Nurses & Midwives Federation
Starting in 2012 — with five closing keynote presentations in London UK — NIGH's Dr. Deva-Marie Beck has inspired nursing leaders from 53 nations belonging to the Commonwealth Nurses & Midwives Federation. During WHO's International Year of the Nurse & the Midwife in 2020 — Dr. Beck encouraged 300 participants to see nurses as the “vanguard of what humanity can and must become.” Watch her full presentation here on the right >>>
2012 - 2014 — Daring, Caring & Sharing to Save Mothers’ Lives
To join in advocacy of concern for maternal health worldwide, NIGH launched a three-year campaign called Daring, Caring & Sharing to Save Mothers' Lives >>> Across the 24 months following our launch, the campaign website received 3.5 million hits from more than 90,000 unique visitors from 146 nations and territories. This video captures the launch of this campaign convened on October 21st, 2012 at St Bart's Church in New York City. Learn more details here >>>
2011 — Collaborating to Prepare NIGH’s Models for the ‘Integral Theory of Nursing'
From our beginnings, NIGH's teams have chosen an interactive-integrative paradigm to ‘connect the dots’ of our work — thus guiding NIGH’s projects and our long-term vision. With this perspective, NIGH's work has evolved by using Dr. Barbara Dossey’s grand nursing theory —the Theory of Integral Nursing >>> informed by an in-depth study of Nightingale’s life and developed and adapted from her friend Dr. Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory >>> This approach led to creating five of NIGH's Integral Models >>> to illustrate how we are all connected as individuals and groups working in local settings like hospitals and clinics as well as in larger global settings. Inspired by this work, Dr. Dossey also established a mid-range Theory of Integrative Nurse Coaching >>> to demonstrate how essential these Integral approaches assist nurses to co-create
shared mission and advances toward achieving the UN SDGs >>> |
2010 — Co-Sponsoring the ‘International Year of the Nurse’
NIGH was one of the creators of the 2010 International Year of the Nurse to celebrate Nightingale's Centennial. A highlight of this Year was a Global Service Commemorating Nightingale & Nursing — Co-Hosted by NIGH & STTI >>> and featuring many notable nursing leaders including Dr. Cynda Rushton >>> one of the principle collaborators of this 2010 event experienced by an overflowing audience at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. See >>>
NIGH was also privileged to share our advocacy to achieve the UN MDGs by Co-sponsoring, with CoNGO >>> a concert during the 2010 UN MDGs Summit at New York City's Lincoln Center with friends & colleagues Shun Yang Lee >>> Maria Knapik >>> and David Morley, Chair of UNICEF Canada >>>
2009 — Commemorating the Awesome Connection between Gandhi & Nightingale
NIGH’s International Co-Director Dr. Barbara Dossey participated in the 24th ICN Quadrennial Congress in Durban, South Africa >>> Because she authored the exten- sive biography Florence Nightingale: Mystic, Visionary, Healer >>> Dr. Dossey knew that the young Mahatma Gandhi was inspired by Nightingale’s service during the Crimean War >>> So inspired, he established a volunteer ‘Indian Ambulance Corps’ >>> while he still lived in South Africa. To formally
commemorate this connection, Dr. Dossey contacted Thembeka Gwagwa, then President of DENOSA >>> to collaborate with NIGH to share an appreciative letter with Mahatma Gandhi’s granddaughter Ela Gandhi >>> who still lives in South Africa. In this photo, they are joined by Ngangi Philemon Ngomu, then Executive Secretary of the Southern Africa Network of Nurses & Midwives >>>
2008-2009 — First Collaboration with WHO in Eight Language Versions
This timeless video portrays the vital role of nurses and midwives in the health of humanity. Originally co-produced by NIGH and WHO in eight languages, English, Arabic >>> Chinese >>> French >>> Portuguese >>> Russian >>> Spanish >>> and Turkish >>> this video features WHO archival photos from 56 nations. Spanning more than 60 years since WHO's founding, the photo essay circulates the globe to the music of Natalie MacMaster >>>
Beginning with Our Vision in the 1990s — Stories of NIGH's growth to 2011
Our initial years are illustrated in four 'Parts' as indicated on the left. Each 'Part' highlights a slide-show sharing NIGH's original planning and projects as well as featuring more than 50 volunteers who have served as Board Directors, Advisors, collaborators and NIGH's UN Representatives and UN Youth Representatives.