Introducing 'NIGH Uganda' — Our Newest Team
Developed — since 2010 — from NIGH's global networking, a multi-disciplinary team of Ugandan citizen activists have recently established our first African NIGH 'Circle' called 'NIGH Uganda' — to provide fresh innovations to address the needs of African peoples. In particular, this newest NIGH team is focused on achieving the UN's 17 SDGs in Uganda and throughout East Africa. “Collaborating at the village level to overcome |
Students at the Summit View Primary School in Kampala, Uganda. Photo by Andrew Mukhwana, Headmaster at Summit View — one of the Co-Founders of 'NIGH Uganda.'
For many years, NIGH Uganda’s co-founders (see below) have collaborated at village levels to overcome suffering from violence, tyranny resulting in poverty and poor health. Included on our ‘NIGH Uganda’ team are leading nurses, midwives, teachers and youth activists who are working with NIGH from the Great Lakes Peace Center — an NGO honoured at a UN Ceremony in Bonn, Germany — for their leading-edge work to ‘localize’ the SDGs by sharing SDG values in Swahili and other East African local languages. Registered as a not-for-profit Ugandan NGO, the Great Lakes Peace Center's activities cover Uganda, Kenya, Southern Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
ABOVE" This photo illustrates how the Great Lakes Peace Center services young generations in schools and communities with education for human rights, gender issues, conflict resolution, leadership, peace-building and empowerment and, above all, capacity-development of youth in the African 'great lakes region'. Used with permission from the Great Lakes Peace Center.
Bringing a 'Children's SDG Song' to the world....
As one of their first innovations, the NIGH Uganda founders have initiated a music project to prepare a Children's SDG Song for Ugandan school children to sing and perform — aiming to share this song, worldwide, on YouTube — to increase public awareness of the UN SDGs and eventually to be made available for children to sing across Africa, in both Swahili and English (lyrics on the right).
Song lyrics:
Let us inspire one another, Working together as one, Leaving no one behind-- Working for our global goals. We all need: good health, Well being and a good life Promoting quality education For the future generation. Say no! Say no to poverty, no to hunger, Kick them out of here! Say no to poverty, no to hunger, No room for you here! |
Jeniffer Mukhwana
Teacher / Primary Health Support Worker & Lay Midwife — After 12 years as a leading teacher, in 2000, she voluntarily left teaching to become more involved in community health work for women and girls — empowering them in self-help projects and entrepreneurship and then to serve beside nurses in her region — as a trained lay-midwife and primary health support worker. >>> read more |
Andrew Mukhwana
Headmaster/Teacher In this role, Andrew also serves widely in the national primary education networks of his nation. He represents his teaching colleagues at many international conferences and meetings, all related to improving education for Ugandan children, including with the Ontario Principals’ Council in Toronto >>> read more |
Bwambale Fauza
Kasese Regional Nursing Co-Ordinator ' 'Fauza' is a leading Nurse who collaborates with and oversees the work of health professionals in five District Health Services in the southwest mountainous region of the Uganda, on the borders with Rwanda and the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo)..>>> read more |
Protecting our planet's climate
and natural resources-- Working for prosperous and fulfilling lives, Having, solid, and global partnerships, peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. Say no! Say no to poverty, no to hunger, Kick them out of here! Say no to poverty, no to hunger No room for you here. |
A young girl in Butaleja District, Uganda. © 2018 Kristin L Thomas, Courtesy of Photoshare 67579-13 — — used with permission to develop a graphic cover for the Children's SDG Song Music Video proposal.
Accessing clean water
and sanitation-- providing clean energy affordable for all, Harnessing gender equality for a sustainable world All these put together will bring economic growth. Say no! Say no to poverty, no to hunger, Kick them out of here! Say no! Say no to poverty, no to hunger, No room for you here! © 2018 by Juliet Mugirya |
Upper right — and embedded in above picture — United Nations SDGs Color Wheel used with official UN Guidelines.