MIDDLE ROW: from top: 2010 Year Logo; Keynote by Dr. Leslie Mancuso, President & CEO of JHPIEGO; Stephanie Williams, then-International Director, Canadian Student Nurses Association, lights the ceremonial candle with Rear-Admiral Kerry Paige Nesseler, Assistant Surgeon General & Chief Nursing Officer, US Public Health Service; and Candlelighting by Dr. Karen Morin, then-President, Sigma Theta Tau International Honorary Society of Nurses.

Here below is a pdf file featuring the center-fold spread from Nurse.com's Tribute to this 2010 Global Service.
Accessed from NIGH's Archives and originally published by Gannett.
If you download this file from Scribd, be sure to back-click in your browser to return to this website.

Here below is the 12-page Four-Color 2010 Global Nightingale Service Program 'Keepsake' Leaflet
Accessed from NIGH's Archives and originally published by Gannett.
If you download this file from Scribd, be sure to back-click in your browser to return to this website.